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  • Writer's pictureZachary T. Vargas

My Second Time At Wondercon, 2023

(Wondercon 2023, March 24th )

Hello, it's Zachary, ready to inform the world with zaniness and intrigue. On March 24th to 26th of 2023, I attended Wondercon for my own 3-day weekend. This was a trip I've been planning that I took time off from work. While it was not a far drive, I might as well make it a vacation with having my own hotel with roommates, who are amazing. It's time to give some details on what Wondercon 2023 was like and while it wasn't my first time, it would be a good trip to remember.

Friday, 3/24/23

It was one of the first times that I was going to be on vacation to get away from work and relax. It was also a time to meet friends, see cool merchandise, and have fun. For the first day, it was just getting settled into the convention to know where everything is, get the layout of the area, and kill time since my hotel check-in time wasn't until 4 pm. So, most of the time I just took photos of what I could and bought what looked awesome. So far, here are my end results in photos:

(Photos by Zachary Vargas for Wondercon 2023, and these cosplayers awesome)

In all honesty, it was fun but at the same time, it got tiring. I bought some comic book volumes for myself along with checking out some new stuff that would appeal to me. While superheroes were my interest, I did checkout some stuff involving steampunk, westerns, and more focus on people of color. I'll write a review on those books someday, but the focus will be at the convention itself. The Friday of Wondercon just had me shop all day along with doing a Tiktok challenge: the handshake-as-your-character challenge. Here is a link below:

Most of it was trying to shake hands

with Star Wars cosplayers and it had

a mix of some nice to funny results.

Other things that were cool were

meeting some Tiktok Star Wars

fans, like @balanceoftheforces.

They were so nice and hilarious if you

watch their videos on Tiktok. They do

a lot of Star Wars related jokes along

with some Spider-Man stuff. I especially

love one of their videos that they released

recently on how Han Solo take a trip with

Anakin to the one place he hates:

the beach. It's sand. What would your expect.

This trip was also where I ran into Ultrasabers, a group that sells lightsabers that range from collectibles to full-on dueling with them. I was tempted to buy an FX darksaber from another vendor, but for having four lightsabers by Ultrasabers (with my collection consisting of orange, violet/purple, red, and green), I figured might as well get my fifth one. To my luck, it was not only Blue, it had sound effects that made it feel like owning a real lightsaber. As a cosplayer, I don't focus on sound since it was too expensive and that it wasn't important. I do get my lightsabers to be combat ready just to add some value to use them to protect myself. Those things are dense that it can go against a bokken, or wooden sword. Check out the pictures below:

Saturday, 3/25/23

Saturday was the debut of my Sith Jedi cosplay. While I used various cosplay patterns from Etsy that was a basis for Obi-Wan Kenobi's armor and other armor templates, my character was just a fan-made creation. I used various items from my old black jedi robe, boots, belt, and armor that took months to make. Since Star Wars is a big universe, I might as well put my own spin on things and made my original character:

Darth Xax ( and yes, it sounds similar to my name but whatever). He is an Original Trilogy Star Wars era character while using the Sith Empire logo, which I thought, "Sith Empire, Galactic Empire: basically the same thing". Plus, his mask is based on a jedi temple guard but with red to have a Darth Nihilus Here are some pics below:

(Photos are by Lisa Habby and Alchemy Cosplay Photography)

These photos were done by both Lisa Habby and Alchemy Cosplay Photography. Both have their own styles and equipment, especially Alchemy Cosplay Photography. He worked with his own lighting equipment, which was the use of flash photography while Lisa Habby used the natural lighting of the day. I'll go over more details on them for another time, but they were great in getting photography work done for my cosplay. The day was good with reuniting with friends, doing some Tiktok stuff, and getting some selfies here and there.

The few downsides to doing this cosplay is how my vision is limited (since I wear glasses), the cloth mask to go under the mask cut by breathing at times, and the harness I made for my shoulder armor was not only hard to put on, but it took too long at times. Still, my cosplay did make me feel like a total badass and it will not by my only original character for Star Wars. I plan to do at least a Jedi cosplay (light side), and my own original Mandalorian that has my own color, symbol, etc. Star Wars is a big universe and I love to see where it can take me in cosplay. While Sunday would be the last day of Wondercon 2023, I might as well talk about my Jedi cosplay.

Sunday, 3/26/23

Sunday would be my last day to do some cosplay and it would be time to show off my light side Jedi cosplay. This one is also an original character for Star Wars and his name:

Xohrak Arkain. Era: Original Trilogy. Lightsabers: orange and purple. Without the mask, hood, and shoulder harness, I could pull off an Obi-Wan Kenobi cosplay since I used an armor pattern based off of Obi-Wan. Even without it and if I bought a wig, I can pull off Obi-Wan if I wanted to do it.

(Selfies taken from someone at The Dragon Prince Panel)

While I didn't get photography styled images, it was good to go out there and do my thing. I'll even admit that it felt more comfortable than my Sith cosplay since I was able to breathe and that the clothes has a better material that felt good to wear. I'll admit the only downside is that my mask being in full contact to my face made me sweat a bit. On another note, it was my shortest day for I left the convention early for the following reasons: I miss home, I don't want to spend more money, and I forgot my suit at the Hotel and I checked out that day. While short, it was a fun day and I hope to come again to Wondercon. Here's hoping to come to do more cosplays and checkout more stuff and panels. Stay safe, stay clean, and best wishes!!!

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