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About Me.png

   Photographer. Graphic Designer. Cosplayer. Youtuber. I'm Zachary Vargas and I have a passion for talking about pop culture. Whether it's cosplay, anything within the nerd/geek pop culture, or just celebrities in general, I can't help but talk about these said things. On another note, I am an artist in some degree who has studied image manipulation, photography, and even theatre. I've always had a creative side and I might as well express it thgough my passion projects.


I host photography, youtube videos, and graphic designs to show off not just my passion, but my skills in video editing, camera work, and image manipulation. My site also acts as a portfolio for anyone who wishes to see my work. For anyone who wishes to work with me, feel free to let me know. I am focused in areas of California, especially the San DIego area.    

©Henshin Heroes Media, 2019 - . All Rights Reserved. Created by Zachary Vargas
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